Episode 12

Published on:

19th Aug 2020

Fighting for fair pay

In this episode we discuss fighting for fair pay as a freelancer and how to build confidence in order to effectively challenge commissioning editors.

We speak to freelance advocate Anna Codrea-Rado who launched the #FairPayForFreelancers campaign last year and award-winning journalist Chris Wheal who took the Guardian to the small claims court.

The episode covers payment on publication, late payment fees, negotiation and how to equip yourself with the knowledge to fight back against low pay rates and slow payment systems.

The guests:

Anna Codrea-Rado

Twitter: @annacod

Website: https://www.annacodrearado.com/about

Newsletter: https://theprofessionalfreelancer.substack.com/

Is This Working? podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/is-this-working/id1473508626

Chris Wheal

Twitter: @whealie

Editorial services: https://www.whealassociates.com/

Blog: https://www.chriswheal.com/


#FairPayForFreelancers open letter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BvCJbsaLVlNkgCPCqiyBxnqHtFincmCyvIOvRiw5LOo/edit

The Freelancer Pay Gap project https://theprofessionalfreelancer.substack.com/p/the-freelancer-pay-gap

Freelancer Pay Gap data https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GajDnwJHgWDzNnaZRmi8eoZtaV5A8NZqLV8l_aKJf08/edit?usp=sharing

Who Pays Writers? rates http://whopayswriters.com/#/results

Can Pay, Won't Pay Freelance Journalists https://www.facebook.com/groups/614195525419319

Late payment legislation https://www.gov.uk/late-commercial-payments-interest-debt-recovery

Payment on publication in-depth article https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/how-payment-on-publication-is-making-life-a-misery-for-many-freelance-journalists/

How to get paid on time guide https://www.chriswheal.com/how-to/get-paid/

Accountancy software https://www.xero.com/uk/, https://quickbooks.intuit.com/uk/

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About the Podcast

Freelancing for Journalists
Lifting the lid on freelance life. Experienced freelance journalists Lily Canter and Emma Wilkinson guide you through everything you need to know about working for yourself. From where to get work, to how to get paid and everything in between.

Each episode features two guests who have made freelancing a success. From film reviewers, to travel writers to bitcoin experts and current affairs broadcasters.

Packed with trade secrets, top tips and amusing anecdotes this is an unmissable How To guide for anyone interested in freelance journalism life.

Contact us via email freelancingforjournalists@gmail.com or find us on Facebook and Twitter @freelancingfor @lilycanter @emmajourno.

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